Books Authored by Laura Allen
Instructor Ancillaries for textbooks: Check the Instructor Ancillaries page for access.
Most of my books are available in both paperback and Kindle editions. Amazon has a free e-reader you can download in case you’d like to read it online without a Kindle. Amazon Prime members can read most of my books on Kindle for free.
Schools or bookstores with an institutional account at Amazon may order books at a discount. If you do not have an institutional account with them, you may call 828-289-5047 or email and I will order for you if your order is for at least 12 copies of the book. Schools should order one month ahead of your class beginning unless you pay for expedited shipping.
The Educated Heart, 6th Edition. The first three editions were originally authored by my friend and mentor, Nina McIntosh. The 6th edition was released in January 2025. Nina entrusted the new editions to me before her untimely death from Lou Gehrig’s disease in 2010. I am very honored that she entrusted “her baby,” as she always referred to the book, to me. It was my ethics bible in previous editions and I hope I’ve done it justice with the revisions.
The FIFTH EDITION OF PLAIN & SIMPLE GUIDE TO THERAPEUTIC MASSAGE & BODYWORK Plain & Simple Guide to Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork Examinations, 5th edition will get you ready to pass the MBLEx or the Board Certification Exam. 700 practice questions that will help you ace the test! Expanded information in all areas of anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, body mechanics, pathology, cautions and contraindications, professional ethics, business, and tips on how to study effectively and overcome test anxiety. Ancillaries available on the Instructor Ancillaries page on this site.
Advanced Strategies in Massage Therapy Education: A Step-by-Step Guide for Instructors
Co-authored with Dorel Lacatus, owner of COMTA-Accredited European Medical School of Massage in Sinking Spring, PA.
The Holistic Practitioner’s Guide to Business was originally published as A Massage Therapist’s Guide to Business. It was updated in 2021 to be more inclusive of other practitioners. Full ancillaries are available for instructors, including lesson plans, PPTs, and a test bank. With 382 pages, this text covers everything a practitioner needs to know from planning a business to retirement, taxes, business ethics, hiring and firing, and every possible work situation. Also helpful to those who are employees or independent contractors. Kindle Unlimited members can read for free.
ONE YEAR TO A SUCCESSFUL MASSAGE THERAPY PRACTICE 2nd Edition is full of no-cost and low-cost ways to market your massage therapy practice. Great for those who are just trying to get their business off the ground, or for “old hands” who feel like they need a revitalization.
Cultural Crossroads of Healthcare and Healing: The State of Modern Healthcare and Traditional Healing Practices (2017) While many people of the world have access to modern healthcare that is affordable and of high quality, others are greatly lacking in availability and accessibility of biomedicine; others have only whatever filters in under the auspices of humanitarian aid. Even countries that have the latest and best modern healthcare available have their indigenous folk medicine traditions and their healers. In some places, that’s virtually all they have to depend on, due to lack of accessible medical care. Cultural Crossroads of Healthcare and Healing is a look at the current state of healthcare in every country in the world: what is available in the way of modern medicine and how it’s paid for, cultural healing traditions, and whether there is collaboration, peaceful co-existence, or total lack of understanding between the two.
Clay & Pounds’ Basic Clinical Massage Therapy: Integrating Anatomy and Treatment published in October 2015. With over 500 new photographs and medical illustrations by the amazing David Pounds, this book revision was entrusted to me after the death of the original author, Doc Clay. It has been updated with research on pain science, and includes explicit instructions on massage therapy techniques for relieving pain. This book is now out of print, but occasionally used copies are available on Amazon for exorbitant prices (I don’t get any of the money). Please note that Clay & Pounds’ Clinical Massage Therapy: Integrating Anatomy & Treatment 3rd ed. and all previous editions are out of print. You must contact the copyright holder, Lippincott Williams & Wilkins to see if they still have ancillaries available for the book. There may be used copies available on Amazon but if LWW’s scratch-off password on the inside cover has already been used, you will not be able to access the ancillaries even if they still exist.
Excuse Me, Exactly How Does That Work? tells the truth about a lot of things that massage therapists tend to get caught up in. Maybe YOUR therapist is caught up in them. Get the real facts about detoxing, ionic foot baths, juice diets, energy, and more.
The Days Still Left is the journal of Nina McIntosh (my mentor and the original author of The Educated Heart) as she was dying from Lou Gehrig’s disease (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis). She laughed all the way to the grave. She also got her affairs in order, which is something we all need to do in time of health and wellness, instead of leaving our loved ones to deal with it when they’re in shock. There are some good lessons here about dying and handling your end of life affairs.
Nothin’ Fancy: Good Food and a Few Funny Stories draws on my 20+ years of cooking for the public and being a restaurant owner. Over 80 recipes of good Southern home cooking and anecdotes that will have you rolling!
Books Compiled/Edited by Laura Allen